Winter tariffs are being charged during the months of June, July, and August with very high peak time tariffs.
Peak times are during weekday mornings from 7h00 to 10h00 and weekday evenings from 18h00 to 20h00. We urge you as the consumer to use electricity as sparingly as possible during these times
Electricity: Centlec installed time of use meters at complexes which made the levying and balancing thereof more technical. Firstly the uses are measured according to different times of the day, as per the attached chart and there are different rates applicable to each one. The most expensive consumption periods during weekdays are between the hours of 07h00 and 10h00 and again from 18h00 to 20h00.
Secondly the uses of June, July and August are up to 45% more than during the other months. Thirdly, there is also a basic fee payable at every complex and certain complexes have KVA charges as well which must be recovered. Finally, the consumption of common property areas must also be taken into account.
If complexes are already making use of the internal time of use meters, the same rates as charged by Centlec must be recovered. To switch these complexes over to prepaid electricity is easy and relatively cheap.
If the internal meters of complexes cannot measure the time of use, then a Centlec recognized system must be used to balance monthly internal usage to the Centlec account of the complex.
The type of meters used by the above complexes is the normal roll meter indicating the readings on the meters and are read monthly. The usages are determined by subtracting the previous reading from the current reading. The calculation of each consumer's account is therefore based on the actual monthly reading and the total Centlec account for the complex.
The alternative is to install prepaid meters. Prepaid electricity not only eliminates administrative tasks like connections and default regarding payments but puts the consumer in control of his electricity consumption.
Water: The administration of water must be done by reading internal meters where available and then tariffs of the Mangaung Municipality are used to calculate the charges.
Shortfalls arising between internal usages and bulk meters must be presented to the Trustees of the complex on a monthly basis to ensure that leakages on the common property are addressed.
The alternative is to install prepaid meters. Prepaid water not only eliminates administrative tasks like connections and default regarding payments but puts the consumer in control of his water consumption.